Orphan block finds a good home!

Stitching for the Modern Soul
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AS the weather gets warmer, now is the time to think of assembling portable projects to carry with you for those periods of quiet or waiting. I always have a project in my purse, currently the 4th of July mini quilt shown. I have English paper piecing in the car, another embroidery in my briefcase. Bits and pieces of time move me along on the projects and allow for creative moments during my days. Take the time to put together a couple of project cases for yourself. #handembroidery #puppygirldesigns #slowstitching
Valentine’s Day is coming up and Cozy Camper would make a great gift for that special someone. It’s on sale at 50% off this month (January) for $2. Also on 50% sale for January are the two most recent Postcard Patterns of Snowman and Piece on Earth. Shop here.
Do you follow Puppy Girl Designs on Facebook/Instagram?
Well, you should or you’ll be missing out on the fun like this loop potholder! How many remember making these potholders when you were very young? Or did you see the beautiful flosses I’m using in the upcoming Block of the Month? Go to https://www.instagram.com/puppygirldesigns and https://www.facebook.com/puppygirldesigns to follow.
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How do you store your creative projects? A tin can, ziploc bag, a plain brown box??? Do you have hand stitching projects with you when you have some unexpected time?? Well, I want you to start the new year off treating your creative talents with the respect they deserve. This project bag goes together very quickly (30 minutes not including the hand stitch portion) and you could swap out fabric for the thread spool stitchery. This case finishes at 6″ x 9″ but can easily be adjusted in size. I find this size fits into my purse, tote bag or briefcase easily and I have multiples for various projects so I will always have something to work on when some free time appears. You would be surprised how much I can get done a little at a time!
By the way, here are my precious Furbabies – Puppy Girls Emma (Border Collie) and Gabby (Shepherd Beagle mix). The Girls are finally back to health, thank goodness.
I hope you all enjoyed the holidays as we did. In the coming weeks, there will be LOTS to share with you, including a new book (My first!).
Chat soon,
Hello All, I hope this post finds you healthy and enjoying the season. As a special just for you, I have bundled twelve (12) Postcard Patterns for a fabulous price of $15! That’s only a $1.25 each and includes my two newest patterns in the Postcard Pattern series. “Piece on Earth” is my camper appropriately decorated for Christmas. From the block ornaments in the pine tree to the sewing notion hanging under the window, there’s everything to make a quilter smile.
“Snowman” is a whimsical snowman with the local furbabies.
Shop now for the 12 pattern bundle (is a PDF/download only) at my Etsy shop. This offer is good until January 1, 2024. What a great gift for a stitch or quilt buddy, OR even yourself!!
There is much going on behind the scenes at Puppy Girl Designs and I look forward to sharing it with you over the next few weeks. Chat soon!
Well, I think Spring may finally be here. The mornings are still brisk but daytime is sunny and comfortable! It’s time to make your work portable and enjoy stitching at school sports practices and games. And to help you with that, I’m running at 50% OFF SALE on digital/download/PDF patterns INCLUDING The Woodland Holiday block of the month. That’s right – a $30 pattern is now only $15!! Use the code MAYDAY2023.
Remember, there are videos on my YouTube channel that demonstrates different techniques – My version of the backstitch, adding dimensional stitching, how and why to add a flange and the most viewed video – a conversation with Long-Arm quilter Karyn Doremann of Kayrn Quilts on her approached to machine quilting the Woodland Holiday. Her work is magnificent!
Postcard Patterns and print patterns are not included in this sale. There is a total of 12 patterns on sale for 50% OFF SALE. Sale runs from Tuesday, May 16, 2023 to Sunday, May 21, 2023.
Keep Stitching!
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Is it Spring where you are?? It might seem so today but tomorrow could find inches of snow, or worse yet, inches of rain out your window. Even with it all, there is still a need to nourish your soul and create some happiness. Remember, the best part of handwork - be it embroidery, applique or piecing - is that it is portable! Spending just a half hour in prepping a couple of projects can give hours of enjoyment.
Are you familar with my series Postcard Patterns? I started designing them in the Fall of 2020, something small and fun that could frequently be made with supplies from your stash. They proved very popular and remain so. At the Maple Leaf Quilt Show this past weekend, Postcard Patterns were the hottest sale
They are small (4"x6") hand embroideries that are fun and fast! Postcard Patterns have a full size design with supplies and directions listed on one side and photo of the completed mini-quilt on the other. I've completed each with a 2-1/2" strip for borders to finish at 8" x 10" and hanging sleeve on the back. Postcard Patterns don't need to be finished as mini-quilts. They can be used in a journal cover and storage bag, attached on a towel, the possibiities are endless.
Cozy Camper (shown here) has you relaxing in the evening, admiring the full moon. Below, we have Retreat Pickup, all packed up with the Featherweight, ironing board and goodies for the long awaited quilt and stitching retreats with our buddies. Tulips are starting to bloom and choose your favorite colors for this bouquet. And there is time still to make any or all of these for Mother's Day gifts. If birding is your thing, check out The Finch House with the House Finch enjoying the blooming old-fashioned roses and prepping the birdhouse for the season! The Camping Quilter is a chance to stitch out in the great outdoors - doesn't get better than that?? It does! These five patterns are on sale at the Puppy Girl Designs Etsy Shop at 25% off from April 26 - May 2. Use the code HAPPYSPRING2023
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Create on the go….
Many years ago, I traveled out of town each week. It was getting stuck during a blizzard that had me making a quick trip (like across the street) to Joann’s looking for something to play with. I bought a couple of fat quarters, some Wonder Under fusible, a skein of DMC black embroidery floss, package of needles, needle threaders and small pair of scissors. I spent less than $15.00. Back to the motel room I went, where I drew 2” mitten shapes that were fused onto 4-1/2” squares – squares that I had measured and cut the old fashioned way – with a ruler, pencil and pair of scissors.
It was a good thing I had gotten right to work on these blocks as the electric power went out several times that evening and into the next day. Not to worry, peanut butter sandwiches, candles and when daylight, sitting by the window had me entertained until the small, sleepy town dug itself out from the storm. A light bulb went on, I needed to have a small stitching or quilting project with me at all times. At least, I needed the basics of scissors, needles, etc. My “create” packet was born. It sounds much fancier than it really was – a quart sized Ziploc bag with small swatch of wool with different sized needles, couple of threaders and small scissors. Into my purse it went, one for the car too. Eventually, I added little protectors to end of scissors – so that I would stop poking myself while rummaging through my purse. I use the protectors that knitters use for end of their knitting needles, it works great. Had one student use a wine bottle cork, I didn’t ask!
I created this vinyl project bag shown here (ziploc or any closable bag), to carry my supplies. With February being National Embroidery Month and my birthday (February 14th), here is the pattern for the Project Case as my gift to you! When I have one of those “putter” days around the house, I’ll trace a couple of blocks or do a little fusing, all so I have some stitching with me when I find a few moments here and there. You would be surprised just how much you can done – a little at a time!
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Spending the afternoon with your quilt buddies, what do you need beside cutting and ironing stations??