Spending the afternoon with your quilt buddies, what do you need beside cutting and ironing stations??
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Stitching for the Modern Soul
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Spending the afternoon with your quilt buddies, what do you need beside cutting and ironing stations??
Wine & Chocolate
Guten Gesprächsstoff
Afternoon? Gallons of tea with milk and dry (not sticky or oil-y) cookies, wine at the end, and a driver to get home safely.
Bottle of really cold water and some kind of hard candy to suck on. Battling the scale, and that helps keep the calories down. 🙂
Chocolate, more chocolate and ice water
Tea, water, wine and some cookies to much on. Cookies cannot be stick y while quilting or sewing, but if they are for after the sewing and quilting are done and it is time to relax, chant and eat and drink, then sticky is fine.
Cheese and sausages on toothpicks (and water)
Chocolate of course! And water and Pepsi!